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A document about a friar and a great exorcist. A murderer who is to become a saint. And although he died on October 31, 1616, he still exorcises, and at his grave, even now – 400 years later – there are
miraculous healings and deliverances from demons' tortures. Although 400 years have passed since his death, he does not let himself be forgotten. Italian Capuchins from the monastery in Serracapriola are constantly receiving testimonies of healings and spiritual releases through the intercession of the deceased confrere. O. Matteo from Agnone he suffered his whole life for an event that turned out to be "blessed gilt". For centuries the fate of the friar was covered with mystery. Today, thanks to Father Cipriano de Meo, we can meet its amazing story.

Production: Poland 2014
Direction: Michał Kondrat
Scenario: Michał Kondrat
Duration: 50 min

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For the first time I heard about Matteo da Agnone,  an extraordinary monk and exorcist, from Father Cipriano de Meo, the President of the International Association of Exorcists. It happened a year ago, during the production of the film „How to beat Satan” – says Michał Kondrat, the film director.

Father Matteo was constantly in my mind, even though there are many superheroes in the Church and their stories are worth showing. It turns out that at present, the power of his intercession is as strong and maybe even stronger as during his life. Pilgrims from all over the world come to Matteo’s grave. And although he died on October 31, 1616, he still exorcises, and at his grave, even now – 400 years later – there are miraculous healings and deliverances from demons’ tortures. Some of them have been shown in Michael Kondrat’s film.

Who was Matteo? What are the archives of the city of Agnone? How did the Vatican react to this story? These questions are answered by Fr. Cipriano de Meo, Fr. Nazareno M. Galullo,  the charismatic, and prof. Maria Cristina Melloni, the Italian historian.

Premiere: 2016-10-31
Production: Poland 2014
Direction: Michał Kondrat
Scenario: Michał Kondrat
Duration: 50 min